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Some FAQs for the weekend
Friday Judge: Keltie Stowkowy
Saturday/Sunday Judges: Sharon Farrar , Majorie Hart, and Keltie Stowkowy
Pipers: Doug Frobese and Stanton Man
9am registration, 9:30 dancing begins
Premier: Pre Championship (Must not have won a Championship or Pre Championship) Fling (4), Sword (2&1), Sean Triubhas (3 & 1), Tulloch
Intermediate: Barracks (4), Laddie (4)
Individual Choreography: (Beg/Nov & Int/Premier)
Duet Choreography: Open to all levels
7:30 registration, 8am dancing begins
8am Premier - Atlantic International Championship
11am Break for Opening Ceremonies
Intermediate Jig Challenge: Must dance: All intros use 3rd position: Female intro method 1, Male intro, 1st – Circle, 10th - 4 Beat Side Run, 11th – 2nd Diagonal Travel, 2nd Finishing Step - Triple Shuffle
Primary Dances
Championship & Primary Awards
Premier Jig Challenge - Must dance in order published below per age.
Under 12: Must dance: All intros use 3rd position: Female intro method 1, Male intro, 1st – Circle, 10th - 4 Beat Side Run, 11th – 2nd Diagonal Travel, 2nd Finishing Step - Triple Shuffle
12 & Over: Must dance: All intros use 3rd position: Female intro method 1, Male intro, 1st – Circle, 2nd - Shuffle (to include a turn Bar 5 and 6), 10th - 4 Beat Side Run, 11th – 2nd Diagonal Travel, 2nd Finishing Step - Triple Shuffle
Beginner, Novice & Intermediate Fling (4), Sword (2&1), Sean Triubhas (3&1)
Pre Premier Awards
7:45 registration, 8am dancing begins
Beginner, Novice & Intermediate Dances Flora (4), Lilt (4), 1/2 Tulloch
Primary Dances
Intermediate Hornpipe
Primary Awards
Premier Hornpipe Under 12 (4), Hornpipe 12 & Over (5)
Beginner, Novice, Intermediate Awards
Premier Earl of Errol (4), Lilt (4), Highland Laddie (4)
Premier Awards